Vulnerability and targeting – Cash in Türkiye
Identifying the various vulnerabilities within a population that requires assistance is key to proper targeting and ensuring the right people are reached with our assistance. In this section, we highlight approaches, lessons and successes in vulnerability assessments, targeting approaches and vulnerability monitoring.
3 May 2023
Intersectional Vulnerability Study- Living on bare minimum: An exploration of the vulnerability of refugees in Türkiye.
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) and IFRC Türkiye Delegation present the second round of the Intersectoral Vulnerability Study (IVS-2), an effort aimed at evaluating the vulnerability and severity of humanitarian conditions…
17 November 2022
Linkages between humanitarian cash assistance and social protection: Lessons learnt from the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) in Türkiye
IFRC, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)This report summarises key lessons learnt from the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme in Türkiye, focusing on the linkages the programme makes between government’s social protection and Movement humanitarian…
17 November 2022
Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN): Social assistance for refugees in Türkiye
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)This fact sheet provides an overview on the implementation of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme for social assistance to refugees in Türkiye since its inception
1 October 2021
ESSN Post Distribution Monitoring 11
post distribution monitoringOrganization:
IFRC, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)The study showed that non-recipient households were better in terms of having higher income and lower in LSCI and RCSI scores than PDM 10 compared with ESSN recipient households, who relied on coping strategies more than before. The Food Consumption Score also deteriorated more for ESSN recipients more than non-recipients, even though the level of expenditure on food was higher.
19 June 2021
Intersectoral Vulnerability Study: the Vulnerability Conditions of Refugees in Turkey
IFRC, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)The Intersectoral Vulnerability Study assesses the severity of humanitarian conditions of the refugee population in Turkey, building on a tailored analytical framework, a representative sample at regional and group level and the latest methodological developments in intersectoral analysis.
21 July 2019
Vulnerability and protection of refugees in Turkey
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay), WFP, World BankThis report provides a comprehensive view of the vulnerability situation of refugees eligible for ESSN and an assessment of how well ESSN targets, supports, and protects the most vulnerable refugees. The timing of the analysis takes place after programme eligibility is determined but before transfers are disbursed. Future work will focus on the impact of transfers.
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