
Emergencies​ and Early Action

In recent years, early action has emerged as a promising approach to mitigate the impact of disasters and crises before they occur. One key element of anticipatory action is the use of cash transfers as a tool for early response. In times of crises, getting the right resources to those in need is crucial.

Cash in Emergencies

Cash in Emergencies focuses on cash assistance programming in the immediate aftermath of a sudden onset disaster. Explore this page for case studies, lessons learned and other informational materials on cash assistance in emergencies. Watch the short video How the Red Cross uses Cash in Emergencies below to find out more.

Cash and Early Action

Anticipatory action seeks to reduce the negative impact of disasters by providing assistance to populations before a forecasted disaster occurs. Disasters are often predictable, and the science used to forecast them is increasingly reliable. Through the effective use of forecasts, risk analysis and early-warning information, it is now possible to put in place the actions and financing required to act before a disaster hits.

Read more in the article below

29 July 2022

Tip sheet: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Recovery


Tip sheet


Cash Hub, IFRC

This guidance provides technical tips and considerations to apply when using CVA to support recovery as well as programme examples of when CVA has successfully promoted recovery

  • Emergencies
  • Livelihoods

27 June 2022

Summary of Social protection programmes, households’ incomes and expenses information for Moldova




Cash Hub

A summary of social protection programmes, households’ incomes and expenses information, to provide practitioners involved in the response to Ukraine refugee crisis with a general social protection context information

  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

27 June 2022

Lessons Learned on Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Greece Refugee Response




Hellenic Red Cross

Document summarising key lessons from the Greece refugee response that can inform the potential use of CVA at scale for the Ukraine crisis, including useful technical learning from the early…

  • Social Protection
  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Migration

13 April 2022

Q&A about cash and vouchers assistance for RC volunteers in Ukraine and impacted countries response




Cash Hub

This question and answer (Q&A) sheet for volunteers working with cash and vouchers assistance (CVA) aims to help answer the questions of National Society volunteers and staff regarding the use…

  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

28 March 2022

Fast Track Cash Preparedness: Ensuring minimum requirements to deliver timely, accountable, and effective CVA are in place




Cash Hub, IFRC

Ensuring minimum requirements to deliver timely, accountable, and effective CVA are in place

  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

28 March 2022

Tracking Social Protection Responses in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries




World Bank

World Bank initial overview of social protection measures in Ukraine and for displaced Ukrainian populations in neighbouring countries.

  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

In partnership with:

British Red Cross