
Emergencies​ and Early Action

In recent years, early action has emerged as a promising approach to mitigate the impact of disasters and crises before they occur. One key element of anticipatory action is the use of cash transfers as a tool for early response. In times of crises, getting the right resources to those in need is crucial.

Cash in Emergencies

Cash in Emergencies focuses on cash assistance programming in the immediate aftermath of a sudden onset disaster. Explore this page for case studies, lessons learned and other informational materials on cash assistance in emergencies. Watch the short video How the Red Cross uses Cash in Emergencies below to find out more.

Cash and Early Action

Anticipatory action seeks to reduce the negative impact of disasters by providing assistance to populations before a forecasted disaster occurs. Disasters are often predictable, and the science used to forecast them is increasingly reliable. Through the effective use of forecasts, risk analysis and early-warning information, it is now possible to put in place the actions and financing required to act before a disaster hits.

Read more in the article below

17 February 2022

High-Level Dialogue – Global Cash Forum




Cash Hub, ICRC, IFRC

Recording of the High-Level Dialogue that took place during the Global Cash Forum on the 10th of February 2022.

  • Localisation
  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Cash Preparedness

9 February 2022

Dignity in Action – Key data and learning on cash and voucher assistance from across the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement




Cash Hub, ICRC, IFRC

Drawing on learning from across the world, this report focuses on six key messages for advancing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the Movement: 1. Measuring the transformation benefits of CVA 2. CVA Preparedness 3. Localisation of Cash; National Society Leadership 4. CVA and Social Protection 5. Cash, Digital Technology and Data Sharing 6. Cash in Conflict

  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies
  • Cash Preparedness

19 November 2021

Red Cross Red Crescent FbF Practitioners Manual




Anticipation Hub

The Forecast-Based Finance manual, offers Red Cross and Red Crescent practitioners a step-by-step approach for FbF implementation. Chapter 4, ’Select Early Actions’, includes: (4.2.1) Cash-based Early Actions and (4.2.2) Early Actions to Social Protection.

  • Anticipatory Action

19 November 2021

GDP 2020 Session: What? You want to give cash before disaster strikes with a 5-day lead time!




Anticipation Hub, Cash Hub

The Cash Hub and the newly launched Anticipation Hub hosted a joint session to showcase the latest cash-based early action activations across the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

  • Anticipatory Action

20 October 2021

Localisation and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) – Cash Hub panel discussion recording




Cash Hub

As part of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Planet:Red Summit, the Cash Hub hosted a panel discussion to explore how CVA, and specifically cash preparedness, can help to strengthen National Societies and contribute to more locally-led humanitarian action.

  • Localisation
  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies

31 August 2021

Strengthening locally led humanitarian action through cash preparedness




Cash Hub, Norcap

This research looks at links between CVA and localisation, to understand how CVA can help to further localisation and strengthen locally led humanitarian action, focusing on these questions: 1) How can CVA help to strengthen National Societies’ voice and influence?; 2) Does building CVA capacity help to further the localisation agenda and, if so, how does it do so?; 3) What lessons can be learnt from National Societies and their CVA responses?

  • Localisation
  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies

In partnership with:

British Red Cross