
Emergencies​ and Early Action

In recent years, early action has emerged as a promising approach to mitigate the impact of disasters and crises before they occur. One key element of anticipatory action is the use of cash transfers as a tool for early response. In times of crises, getting the right resources to those in need is crucial.

Cash in Emergencies

Cash in Emergencies focuses on cash assistance programming in the immediate aftermath of a sudden onset disaster. Explore this page for case studies, lessons learned and other informational materials on cash assistance in emergencies. Watch the short video How the Red Cross uses Cash in Emergencies below to find out more.

Cash and Early Action

Anticipatory action seeks to reduce the negative impact of disasters by providing assistance to populations before a forecasted disaster occurs. Disasters are often predictable, and the science used to forecast them is increasingly reliable. Through the effective use of forecasts, risk analysis and early-warning information, it is now possible to put in place the actions and financing required to act before a disaster hits.

Read more in the article below

15 May 2017

A crucial lifeline is restoring dignity for drought-affected families in Somalia





Farmers were hit by successive failed rains that has exacerbated the drought conditions across Somalia. Cash given by ICRC via mobile money has helped Isaaq to buy food for his…

  • Cash in conflict
  • Cash in emergencies
  • Cash technology

10 March 2017

Burundi : Thérèse, a mother and widow, launches her restaurant “The Umbrella”





Thérèse opened a restaurant in November 2016 thanks to her business acumen and ICRC’s financing program, which gave her a cash grant of USD 120 to invest in her business.

  • Cash in conflict
  • Cash in emergencies

10 January 2017

Philippines: Conflict-affected families rebuild their communities through cash-for-work





In Masbate, Philippines, workers take part in a cash for work program to construct a river wall to prevent flash floods and erosion from damaging houses.

  • Asia-Pacific
  • Cash in conflict
  • Cash in emergencies

In partnership with:

British Red Cross