Middle East and North Africa
Learn more about the cash programmes and work within the Middle East/North Africa region, carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Search our case studies, photos, articles and evaluations below.

© Zaher Barazi / Syrian Arab Red Crescent
Syria earthquake response: Find the latest resources
17 August 2023
Cash for work to construct and rehabilitate the WASH facilities
Case studyOrganization:
Cash Hub, IFRCThis case study provides an overview of the WASH project and the use of CfW (Cash for Work) to construct and rehabilitate WASH facilities in the camps in Iraq. It…
27 July 2023
MENA CVA Mentoring Programme flyer
Cash Centre of Excellence, Cash HubJoin our Cash Centre of Excellence and Cash School Mentoring Program to advance your skills in delivering Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) effectively in humanitarian crises.
27 July 2023
MENA CVA Mentoring Programme brochure
Cash Centre of Excellence, Cash HubFind out more about the Cash Centre of Excellence and Cash School Mentoring Program aimed at advancing your skills in delivering Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) effectively in humanitarian crises.
27 July 2023
MENA – CVA Risk Register
GuidanceThis document identifies and assesses potential CVA risks in MENA region that may affect a project or an organization and can provides insight to the project managers to make informed…
3 July 2023
SARC Post Distribution Monitoring Survey
post distribution monitoringOrganization:
Syrian Arab Red CrescentPost Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Survey conducted by SARC in the February 2023 post-earthquake response
3 July 2023
SARC Multisectoral Market Assessment
Syrian Arab Red CrescentThis document outlines the purpose and process of the rapid market assessment conducted by SARC in the February 2023 post-earthquake response
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