Procurement Tools and Templates

The delivery of cash assistance often requires a third party such as a bank, a mobile phone company or a voucher vendor to be integrated into the process to deliver to the “last mile”.  The selection and the evaluation of these suppliers is critical as their performance has a direct impact on the quality of the assistance.  Procurement processes help to ensure that the appropriate supplier is selected, and allow to manage risks and to offer a set of checks and balances. They are key to select services that enable recipients to receive the right assistance in the right way, have sufficient cash out points and liquidity, can reach people in a timely manner, are compliant with local financial regulations, and have sufficient coverage.

© Kathy Mueller/IFRC

An  online course to build or refresh skills related to procuring financial services providers to deliver CVA is now available to staff and volunteers of the Movement (supporting programme, logistics and/or procurement):

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British Red Cross