About Us

Welcome to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement platform for humanitarian cash assistance. Find out more about the Cash Hub platform and team below.

About the Cash Hub

The Cash Hub, hosted by British Red Cross, aims to accelerate the use and increase the scale-up of cash assistance in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the Movement) in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action.

The Cash Hub supports a programme of activities, in collaboration with Movement partners, including:

  • Programme and technical support to National Societies’ cash preparedness
  • Operational support to cash programmes
  • Cash School and programme of training activities
  • Online platform to provide access to information, tools, data, evidence and learning for cash practitioners (cash-hub.org)
  • Policy, research and advocacy on cash programming
  • Innovation and use of new technologies for cash programmes

The online platform (cash-hub.org) enables knowledge sharing and information exchange among the network of cash practitioners in the Movement. The platform provides access to tools, data, programme evidence, learning, case studies, and technical advice. A short video and a basic presentation are available to help staff and volunteers of the Movement to promote the Cash Hub platform in EnglishArabic and French, to let others know about this resource and how to access and use its different tools. 

Management of the Cash Hub

As host, the British Red Cross is responsible for the oversight of the Cash Hub and supports the programme of activities with a dedicated Cash Team sitting within its International Directorate.

Meet the Team

Find out more about the members of the Cash Hub below

Emma is the Head of the Cash Hub, supporting the increased scale up of quality cash assistance across the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Emma has over 20 years’ experience in the humanitarian sector working for the British Red Cross, IFRC, VSO, CaLP and UNESCO in a wide range of emergency contexts across Asia, Africa and the Pacific as well as in headquarter positions. Building on a background in programme coordination and management and a Masters in Community Development, Emma has technical expertise in recovery, livelihoods and food security, community participation, cash assistance and market based interventions. Emma is currently the Co-Chair of the Movements Cash Peer Working Group and the Cash Cap Steering Committee.

Agnès (Inès) Dalmau

Cash Hub Advisor

Agnès (Inès) joined the British Red Cross on April 2017 as a Cash and Markets technical adviser. She is aligned with Asia Pacific, East and South Africa, and OSBs Regions and has a particular focus on cash preparedness. She has been a humanitarian aid professional working mostly for Red Cross for the last 18 years, mainly as a country coordinator in big recovery operations covering conflict, post-conflict, slow-onset and sudden disasters. She managed programmes with cash assistance for the first time during the Tsunami response. She has developed cash trainings for the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UNHCR and other organisations and is a member of CaLP’s roster of trainers. She has a background on Sociology and Political science and holds an MBA and Postgraduate degrees in Humanitarian Aid and Social Research.

Marta Alejano

Cash Hub Advisor

Marta is an Economist with a Master’s degree on Disabilities and Inclusion. She has worked for the Red Cross Movement since 2002, first as a Livelihoods and Recovery delegate and then as Country Manager and Regional Manager in Asia and Southern Africa. She has worked for the Spanish Red Cross, the IFRC Livelihoods Centre and in 2018 she joined British Red Cross as Food Security and Livelihoods Strategist. She became BRC Country Cluster Manager for Southern Africa in 2019 and then joined the Cash Hub in October 2022.

Andra Gulei

Cash Hub Advisor

Andra has joined the Cash Hub on March 2022 as Cash and Markets Adviser with a focus on Emergencies, Migration and Learning. Andra has worked with the RCRC Movement for the past 15 years and has extended experience on livelihoods and CVA in emergency, recovery and development in Latina America, Africa and Asia as well as leading capacity building proceses. Andra has a background on Social Science, holds a Master degree on Migration and Asylum and Postgraduate degrees on Humanitarian Aid and Development .

Hortense Sombie Hien

CVA learning and localisation Advisor

Hortense’s role focuses on CVA and localisation in the Sahel and Central Africa. She has over 20 years’ experience working in Burkina Faso Red Cross on different programs, both in resilience and emergency, mainly as FSL and cash coordinator. She has been deployed several times with the Danish Red Cross in Mali, supporting on Cash Preparedness projects, and in Dakar with IFRC as regional team leader on FSL -CVA DREF in response to food crisis and has worked in the field in local communities for several years. At the strategic level, she has been involved in discussion with both internal and external partners, EU, cluster, Cash working Group, consortia. Hortense has a Master of Art in English from the University of Ouagadougou and a Master of Peace and Development Studies from European Peace University (EPU) in Austria and Spain.

Azim Noorani

Cash Hub Advisor

Azim has supported humanitarian responses since 2007, working in country-based, regional and global roles with the British Red Cross, the IFRC and the ICRC; he also has cash advisory experience working with the Danish Refugee Council, International Rescue Committee, and as a cash and markets expert with CashCap. Areas of expertise include supporting organisational cash preparedness and strengthening capacity, strategy development, advocacy, understanding and analysing community needs and preferences, design of humanitarian assistance programmes, meeting basic needs in emergency responses, economic recovery and graduation to sustainable livelihoods, and the developing uses of digital and data in humanitarian response. Azim holds a Master’s in Human Rights and has also worked on asylum and refugee policy in the UK, and as a protection specialist on behalf of civilians affected by armed conflict.

Cara Wilson

Cash Hub Helpdesk Manager

Cara manages the Cash Hub Helpdesk, which provides technical support to staff and volunteers of the Movement related to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for preparedness, response and recovery. She also leads in the development of evidence and learning resources for the Cash Hub and organises webinars on a range of CVA related topics. Cara completed her MA in Education and International Development at University College London, with her dissertation focusing on the impact of unconditional cash transfers on educational outcomes. She also holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Sussex and a BSc in Psychology from the University of Nottingham.

Jenny Harper

Senior Cash Hub Manager

Jenny Harper is leading on the development of technical expert deployment capacity, by providing opportunities and supporting the expansion of knowledge, skills and expertise of humanitarian professionals through the Cash School. Jenny works on building the pool of competent, confident and qualified individuals to design and implement cash based programmes through trainings, individual capacity building pathways and learning deployments. Jenny has over 6 years’ experience working as an L&D professional for the British Red Cross.

Hannah Rutledge

Cash School Manager

Hannah moved into the Cash School Manager role in Feb 2025 and primarily leads the implementation of the Cash School strategy developing a robust network of Cash Champions to enhance cash assistance capabilities across the Movement. She works directly with cash practitioners throughout their ‘Cash Practitioner Development Programme’ (CPDP) journey and facilitates CVA deployments that meet the practitioners specific learning needs. Hannah comes with 20 years experience in Learning and Development, working across the Humanitarian sector and has come from the British Red Cross International Learning and Development team.

Sam White

Cash Hub Programme Officer

As Programme Officer, Sam serves as the focal point for the Cash Hub. He leads on the development of the strategic workplan and currently oversees the Cash Hub Helpdesk. He leads on corporate and donor reporting and coordinates many other aspects of the team. He has a Research Masters in International Politics and Development and is a qualified teacher. Sam has spent most of his career working in the charitable sector but also run his own company for many years, coaching young entrepreneurs along the way.

Aisha Yusuf

Cash Hub Web Content Manager

Aisha joined British Red Cross as Cash Hub Web Content Manager in 2022; previously Aisha worked in the third sector as Content Designer for St John Ambulance, working on website digital transformation and development and in the healthcare industry as Marketing Executive for a rare disease start-up. She holds a degree in Business Management and English Language from Aston University.

Explore the Cash Hub

Find out about training courses, individual capacity building options and access a range of templates and tools to enable your learning.

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