Cash technology
Digital technology has the potential to transform the way in which cash programmes operate. Mobile payment platforms are already demonstrating how new technologies can have a great impact on efficiencies and convenience for people receiving cash assistance. This is just one example of the potential for the use of technology in this sector.

© Pierre Grandidier / IFRC
For more information on specific areas of innovation in cash technology, see the following:
> Click here to find key resources
26 January 2024
Guidance for Information Management in CVA Preparedness
IFRCWith more and more National Societies providing CVA as a modality for assistance, the need for robust IM tools and systems to deliver effective, timely, scalable, and quality CVA, and…
24 January 2024
Data sharing in humanitarian CVA: Technical validation exercise lessons learned
ECHO, IFRC, Norwegian Red Cross, NRC, Save the ChildrenThis report highlights key lessons learned from conducting a technical validation exercise with humanitarian organizations providing cash programming in Uganda and South Sudan. Building on prior interviews and landscaping research…
26 June 2023
The use of the RedRose data management platform for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)
Cash HubThis document describes the experience of five NSs (Gambia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) who piloted the RedRose platform for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This learning review aims to…
22 May 2023
Vertical integration: Sharing data on a person with a payments or messaging provider to extend services
ECHO, IFRC, Norwegian Red Cross, NRC, Save the ChildrenThe growth in CVA programming is enabled by the increasing adoption of mobile phones, which facilitate registration, information sharing, and payments for CVA. This use case focuses on sharing data…
22 May 2023
Individual referral: Sharing data on a person with a partner, donor or government for follow-up services
ECHO, IFRC, Norwegian Red Cross, NRC, Save the ChildrenIn many cases organizations collect and hold sensitive personal data on the people they are supporting. This may include names, addresses, phone numbers, biometric data, bank account information and an…
22 May 2023
Organizational referral: Sharing data on which organisations can provide what kind of support to whom
ECHO, IFRC, Norwegian Red Cross, NRC, Save the ChildrenHumanitarian Outcomes estimates that there were around 5,000 organizations in the humanitarian system in 2021. These figures are likely an underestimate, particularly if we include the role played by local…
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