
Emergencies​ and Early Action

In recent years, early action has emerged as a promising approach to mitigate the impact of disasters and crises before they occur. One key element of anticipatory action is the use of cash transfers as a tool for early response. In times of crises, getting the right resources to those in need is crucial.

Cash in Emergencies

Cash in Emergencies focuses on cash assistance programming in the immediate aftermath of a sudden onset disaster. Explore this page for case studies, lessons learned and other informational materials on cash assistance in emergencies. Watch the short video How the Red Cross uses Cash in Emergencies below to find out more.

Cash and Early Action

Anticipatory action seeks to reduce the negative impact of disasters by providing assistance to populations before a forecasted disaster occurs. Disasters are often predictable, and the science used to forecast them is increasingly reliable. Through the effective use of forecasts, risk analysis and early-warning information, it is now possible to put in place the actions and financing required to act before a disaster hits.

Read more in the article below

22 June 2021

Philippines Joint Simulation on Cash Early Actions & Shock-Responsive Social Protection for Flood




German Red Cross

This blog post shares lessons from the implementation of the 2-day Forecast-based Financing (FbF) simulation exercise (simex) on 18-20 May, to test two early actions – fish harvesting from ponds and cash transfers – in three barangays (villages), Libmanan municipality, Camarines Sur.

  • Cash and anticipatory action
  • Cash and social protection

30 April 2021

Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) – monthly report March 2021 (Issue n.12)




Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)

Short overview of programmatic highlights and achievements from March 2021, as well as information on the use of cash and recipients in Turkey where the ESSN programme has been supporting about 1.8 million refugees a month.

  • Cash in emergencies
  • Europe
  • Middle-East / North Africa

18 March 2021

What does “Cash” mean for WASH Outcomes?





Short overview document intended for both WASH and cash practitioners as well as programme managers who want to understand and explore how cash and voucher assistance can support WASH outcomes.

  • Cash and WASH
  • Cash in emergencies

22 November 2020

World Disaster Report 2020 – Come Heat or High Water





The World Disasters Report 2020 analyses climate disaster trends and shows how we can tackle the humanitarian impacts of the climate crisis together.

  • Cash and anticipatory action

1 July 2020

Cash Interventions: Key Learnings and Reflection – Myanmar Red Cross Society’s Cash Programmes in Central Rakhine





This paper summarises the findings of a study dedicated to reflect, analyse and learn from a Cash and Voucher Assistance programme implemented in the Rakhine state from 2014 to 2019 by the Myanmar Red Cross Society.

  • Asia-Pacific
  • Cash and WASH
  • Cash in conflict
  • Cash in emergencies

21 March 2020

Tip sheet: Cash and Voucher Assistance and COVID-19


Tip sheet



Tool with practical recommendations to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 through ongoing Cash and Voucher Assistance, inform the adaptation of CVA in the context of COVID-19, and promote sensitivity…

  • Cash and COVID-19
  • Cash in emergencies
  • National society cash readiness

In partnership with:

British Red Cross