Learn more about the cash programmes and work within the Asia-Pacific region, carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Search different resources including case studies, photos, articles and evaluations below.

© Mirva Helenius / IFRC
4 April 2022
Market stakeholders and their roles in CVA interventions
Case studyOrganization:
Danish Red Cross, Nepal Red Cross SocietyThis case study looks at the importance of identifying market stakeholders and their roles in successful CVA interventions for livelihoods in Nepal.
4 December 2021
CVA Newslettter – Nepal Red Cross (Sept-Dec 2021)
Nepal Red Cross SocietyAn overview of the latest updates on the Cash and Voucher Assistance(CVA) work of the Nepal Red Cross between September and December 2021.
29 March 2021
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society overview of cash assistance distributed (Dec-Jan2020)
Bangladesh Red CrescentShort overview of the amount of cash distributed, amount of households reached, districts covered, delivery mechanisms chosen by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, which responded to emergencies and dealt with recovery and long-term programmes between December and January 2020.
1 August 2020
Integrating cash transfers to COVID-19 response: building community resilience in Rakhine
Case studyOrganization:
IFRC, Myanmar Red Cross SocietyThis case study gives an overview of the Community Resilience Program (CRP), a multi-year resilience programme integrated with the COVID-19 response, to support community-led actions for prevention and mitigation of socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 in central Rakhine.
1 July 2020
Cash Interventions: Key Learnings and Reflection – Myanmar Red Cross Society’s Cash Programmes in Central Rakhine
BRC, IFRC, Myanmar Red Cross SocietyThis paper summarises the findings of a study dedicated to reflect, analyse and learn from a Cash and Voucher Assistance programme implemented in the Rakhine state from 2014 to 2019 by the Myanmar Red Cross Society.
1 February 2020
Piloting Financial Service Providers in Pakistan
Case studyOrganization:
BRC, Cash Hub, Pakistan Red Crescent SocietyThis case study reviews the experience of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society’s investment in piloting financial service providers to strengthen its capacity to respond with CVA.
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