Monitoring and evaluation
Search toolkit
M&E planning
Develop M&E strategy
- M5_1_1_1 Logical framework template
- M5_1_1_2 Key indicators checklist
- M5_1_1_3 M&E workplan template
- M5_1_1_4 M&E plan template
- M5_1_1_4 M&E plan template for CashLevel2 (Nov292017)
- M5_1_1_5 Survey sample calculator template
- M5_1_1_6 Brief sampling guidance
Build staff capacity
Programme monitoring
Encashment monitoring
- M5_2_2_1 Encashment site observation template
- M5_2_2_2 Encashment exit survey template
- M5_2_2_3 Encashment exit survey database template
Post-distribution monitoring
Market monitoring
Monitor traders
Monitor price data
- M5_3_2_1 Secondary market price data checklist
- M5_3_2_2 How to collect market price checklist
- M5_3_2_3 Price collection form template
- M5_3_2_4 Organizing market price data checklist
- M5_3_2_5 Price database template
- M5_3_2_6 Analysing price changes
Respond to price changes
CTP Evaluation
Set evaluation criteria & questions
- M5_4_1_1 Key questions for evaluating CTP checklist
- M5_4_1_2 Evaluating multiplier effects on markets