The Cash Hub regularly hosts webinars with experts from across the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, showcasing learnings and experiences on a wide range of Cash and Voucher Assistance related topics. Access this wealth of Movement knowledge through the documents and recordings in this section.

The Cash Hub is running a webinar series on the use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, in collaboration with different National Societies, the IFRC, the ICRC and other reference centres and hubs of the Movement. During these online events speakers share experiences on a wide range of related topics such as social protection, livelihoods and community engagement and accountability. The Cash Hub is capturing this wealth of knowledge in a series of recordings, Q&A documents, slides and other relevant material that you can explore in this section.
How to join the Cash Hub webinars?
Completing this form will allow you to automatically receive the invitation and link before every webinar, without needing to register each time.
To access materials related to each of the previous webinars click on the links below:
- Webinar 46: Launching the revised CVA Preparedness module of the CiE Toolkit – Spanish webinar (23rd January 2025)
- Webinar 45: Launching the revised CVA Preparedness module of the CiE Toolkit – French webinar (28th November 2024)
- Webinar 44: Launching the revised CVA Preparedness module of the CiE Toolkit webinar (4th September 2024)
- Webinar 43: CVA in Armed Conflict – The ICRC’s Experience (28th August 2024)
- Webinar 42: Advocating for Cash and Voucher Assistance with Governments (13th May 2024)
- Webinar 41: The importance of integrating PGI measures into CVA programmes (30th January 2024)
- Webinar 40: Using CVA for Health needs – Showcasing National Society experiences (5th December 2023)
- Webinar 39: Using CVA for WASH: Showcasing National Society experiences (27th September 2023)
- Webinar 38: Global Payment Solutions for Humanitarian Cash Assistance (16th August 2023)
- Webinar 37: Cash and Voucher Assistance in Migration Programming (13 July 2023)
- Webinar 36: Using CVA in the design and management of micro-entrepreneurship programmes webinar (5 July 2023)
- Webinar 35: The Importance of Internal Financial Controls When Implementing CVA (4 May 2023)
- Webinar 34: Present and Engaged: How the ICRC Responds to Armed Conflict and Violence in Cities (3 May 2023)
- Webinar 33: Africa Hunger Crisis Webinar Series: Designing a cash response for Food Security and Livelihoods outcomes (26 April 2023)
- Webinar 32: Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: Digital Solutions for Remote Registration (29 March 2023)
- Webinar 31: Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: Building Cash Capacity within a conflict context (28 February 2023)
- Webinar 30: Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: CEA in Remote CVA Programming (18 January 2023)
- Webinar 29: Cash and Voucher Assistance for Migrants: Lessons learnt from National Societies (15 September 2022)
- Webinar 28: Everyday Crisis Response with Cash and Voucher Assistance (30 March 2022)
- Webinar 27: Disaster Response with Cash and Voucher Assistance (23 February 2022)
- Webinar 26: Learning from Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) responses during COVID-19 (8 December 2021)
- Webinar 25: CVA and digital tools for Information Management (17 November 2021)
- Webinar 24: Group Cash Transfers for Community Resilience (27 October 2021)
- Webinar 23: Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) and CVA (22 September 2021)
- Webinar 22: Fast Track Cash Preparedness (9 June 2021)
- Webinar 21: contracting and working with Financial Service Providers (FSPs) (19 May 2021)
- Webinar 20: learning from the COVID-19 response (21 April 2021)
- Webinar 19: learning during COVID-19: the use of CVA (17 March 2021)
- Webinar 18: Cash and Data Protection (24 February 2021)
- Webinar 17: on CVA Preparedness (27 January 2021)
- Webinar 16: on CVA and Early Action (9 December 2020)
- Webinar 15: on CVA for Nutrition, with a focus on the role of economic barriers in nutrition outcomes (18 November 2020)
- Webinar 14: on monitoring in relation to CVA (4 November)
- Webinar 13: on how CVA can be used to support health outcomes (21 October 2020)
- Webinar 12: on how CVA has been used to achieve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) Objectives (7 October 2020)
- Webinar 11: on the use of technology to protect sensitive data (6 October 2020 – webinar delivered in Spanish)
- Webinar 10: with an update on the port explosion in Beirut and the use of CVA to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak in Rakhine (15 September 2020)
- Webinar 9: on the impact of COVID-19 on migration and the use of CVA (12 August 2020)
- Webinar 8: on implementing Shelter & Settlements Interventions (29 July 2020)
- Webinar 7 del Cash Hub (in Spanish/ en español) centrándose en Migracion y adaptaciones en los PTM a raíz del COVID-19 (22 July 2020)
- Webinar 6: on Livelihoods and Economic Security (15 July 2020)
- Webinar 5: on CEA and CVA programming (1 July 2020)
- Webinar 4: on Data and Digital Technology (18 June 2020)
- Webinar 3: on CVA and social protection (3 June 2020)
- Webinar 2: on experiences of the Lebanese Red Cross and Zimbabwe Red Cross (26 May 2020)
- Launch of the CVA and COVID-19 Webinar Series, focusing on adapting to COVID-19 (6 May 2020)
Webinar 46 focused on the launch of the updated Spanish Preparedness module in the Movement’s Cash in Emergencies Toolkit. These tools, along with a new Roadmap for CVAP, complement the Movement’s CVA Preparedness guidance and theory of change. They are designed to support National Societies as they strengthen their organisational and operational CVA preparedness, providing key guidance and tools for each step in the CVAP journey. The discussion was led by an expert panel of speakers who provided an overview and introduction to these new key Movement CVA resources.
Webinar 45 focused on the launch of the updated French Preparedness module in the Movement’s Cash in Emergencies Toolkit. These tools, along with a new Roadmap for CVAP, complement the Movement’s CVA Preparedness guidance and theory of change. They are designed to support National Societies as they strengthen their organisational and operational CVA preparedness, providing key guidance and tools for each step in the CVAP journey. The discussion was led by an expert panel of speakers who provided an overview and introduction to these new key Movement CVA resources.
Webinar 44 focused on the launch of the updated Preparedness module in the Movement’s Cash in Emergencies Toolkit. These tools, along with a new Roadmap for CVAP, complement the Movement’s CVA Preparedness guidance and theory of change. They are designed to support National Societies as they strengthen their organisational and operational CVA preparedness, providing key guidance and tools for each step in the CVAP journey. The discussion was led by an expert panel of speakers who provided an overview and introduction to these new key Movement CVA resources.
Webinar 43 hosted by the Cash Hub in collaboration with ICRC, showcased the experiences of the ICRC’s cash and markets specialists, highlighting key learnings and best practice. Money is the main means of survival for most people around the world, including in armed conflict. The ICRC’s experience, and analysis of available academic and policy studies of CVA, make clear that the shift to CVA in humanitarian action is a broadly positive experience for people affected by armed conflict.
Webinar 42 reflected on experiences and lessons learned in discussion with National Society senior leaders from Bangladesh, Türkiye and the IFRC, and discussed linkages between humanitarian CVA and national social protection systems from an advocacy with governments perspective.
Webinar 41 in collaboration with IFRC, Latvian Red Cross Society and British Red Cross, outlined the importance of mainstreaming PGI into the Movement’s use of CVA within programmes and responses, highlighting the Minimum Standards for PGI in emergencies.
Webinar 40 in collaboration with Norwegian Red Cross, the Somali Red Crescent Society, the Kenya Red Cross Society, and Slovak Red Cross, presented learnings from cash-based health responses in different crisis contexts
Webinar 39 was hosted by the Cash Hub and CVA WASH Technical Working Group, and showcased the newly published set of CVA and WASH case studies, highlighting learnings and experiences from National Societies, and provided audience members with an opportunity to find out more about the CVA WASH Technical Working Group and how to get involved with their work.
Webinar 38 This webinar saw the panel, with speakers joining from the IFRC, Cameroon Red Cross Society, Myanmar Red Cross Society, and Cash Hub, discuss the findings from the IFRC’s ‘Global Payment Solutions for Humanitarian Cash Assistance’ report, including the barriers and enablers related to working with Financial Service Providers (FSP).
Webinar 37 This webinar showcased the key findings from the British Red Cross and Samuel Hall report on ‘Cash in migration programming in the Sahel’ and provided an opportunity to discuss how CVA can be integrated into migration programming within transit migration contexts.
Webinar 36 hosted by the Cash Hub and the Livelihoods Centre, focussed on the topic of using CVA in the design and management of micro-entrepreneurship programmes. It showcased the Livelihoods Resource Centre toolkit for designing and managing micro-entrepreneurship programmes, focusing on how CVA can be used as a response mechanism within these programmes.
Webinar 35 was hosted by the RCRC Finance Development Competency Network (FDCN) and the Cash Hub, which focussed on the topic ‘The Importance of Internal Financial Controls When Implementing CVA’, including the internal financial controls which should be in place when implementing CVA within programmes, highlighting both the risks that are related to CVA and how they can be mitigated.
Webinar 34 Hosted in collaboration with the ICRC, this webinar showcased findings from the ICRC’s 2023 report ‘Present and Engaged: How the ICRC Responds to Armed Conflict and Violence in Cities’, drawing out key learnings from the report and discussing how the findings can be applied to the delivery of CVA within urban conflict contexts.
Webinar 33 was the first in the Africa Hunger Crisis Webinar Series: Designing a cash response for Food Security and Livelihoods outcomes. Almost 51 million people from the Horn of Africa are facing severe food insecurity and an estimated 146 million people in Sub Saharan Africa are hit with acute food insecurity. The hunger crisis in Africa has been widely confirmed as the worst food crisis in decades in Africa. This webinar highlighted how CVA is being implemented within the Movement’s Hunger Crisis response.
Webinar 32 was the 3rd and final in the Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: Digital Solutions for remote registration. This webinar provided an opportunity to hear from Movement colleagues who had worked on the development and launch of the self-registration app, and discussed the opportunities and learnings tied to the use of self-registration tools with CVA with colleagues from both the IFRC and ICRC.
Webinar 31 was the 2nd in the Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: Building Cash Capacity within a conflict context. Speakers from Ukraine Red Cross, Romania Red Cross, Polish Red Cross and IFRC discussed the learnings related to building National Society cash capacity within the Ukraine conflict context from the past year and how National Societies have taken a ‘learning by doing’ approach.
Webinar 30 was the first in the Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: CEA for Remote CVA programming and aimed to explore how Community, Engagement and Accountability (CEA) minimum actions and approaches were integrated into CVA within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement response to the Ukraine crisis.
Webinar 29 Saw the Global Migration Task Force in conversation with Ugandan Red Cross, Romanian Red Cross, Bangladesh Red Crescent and Chilean Red Cross , discussing the experiences, the opportunities, the challenges and the lessons learned in providing CVA to migrants.
Webinar 28 focused on Canadian Red Cross and American Red Cross sharing on responding domestically to everyday crises such as house fires and localised events.
Webinar 27 allowed Hellenic Red Cross and Philippines Red Cross to share their learning on using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Webinar 26 allowed Tanzania Red Cross and Rwanda Red Cross to share their learning on using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Webinar 25 focused on the use of digital tools for information management during Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) operations, with examples from Botswana Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, 510, American Red Cross and IFRC.
Webinar 24 focused on different experiences in strengthening community resilience, and the use of group cash transfers to empower the community groups to choose and fund their own community resilience activities.
- Read the summary takeaways clicking here
- Download the Q&A document
- Download the slides used during the webinar
- Watch the recording of the webinar
- Watch the recording of the presentation on supporting Village Savings and Loans Association by Martha Imamut (Project officer in the field of Response and Migration from the Uganda Red Cross)
Webinar 23 introduced experience related to Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) with examples from Zimbabwe Red Cross and Zambia Red Cross.
- Read the summary takeaways clicking here (coming soon)
- Download the Q&A document (coming soon)
- Download the slides used during the webinar
- Watch the recording
Webinar 22 explained what Fast Track Cash Preparedness entails and how this differs from the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement standard Cash Preparedness, with examples from the Armenian Red Cross and the Belarus Red Cross.
Webinar 21 introduced some of the experiences, challenges and learning from contracting and working with Financial Service Providers (FSPs). ICRC shared its experience on this topic with examples from Nigeria and Ethiopia, and some key points from its global approach to FSPs. The Sierra Leone Red Cross shared experiences on a recent FSP procurement.
Webinar 20 focused on how National Societies used Cash and Voucher Assistance to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, with examples from the Albanian Red Cross and Serbian Red Cross which shared information on its responses, challenges and learning. The IFRC Cash Global Lead opened the webinar with global reflections on the use of CVA in responses over the last year.
Webinar 19 focused on the response of Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NS) to COVID-19 using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). The Sierra Leone Red Cross and Pakistan Red Crescent Society have shared information on their programmes, challenges and learning. Discussions related to first time experiences on distributing CVA without Participating National Society (PNS) support, scaling up CVA use and delivery in short time-frames to meet donor requirements.
Webinar 18 focused on CVA and Data Protection. As we scale up our use of CVA, considering data protection is essential for protecting the vulnerable, building trust and implementing CVA safely and at scale. IFRC introduced the topic and the CVA Data Protection Guidance recently launched. Data protection considerations in CVA were also shared by Nigerian Red Cross and Hellenic Red Cross, while ICRC provided a summary of the key takeaways from the discussion.
Webinar 17 focused on cash preparedness – why it is important and what is involved. It also included examples shared from Viet Nam Red Cross Society and Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent on how investments in cash preparedness can lead to a more effective and at scale CVA response.
Webinar 16 has been organised in partnership with the newly launched Anticipation Hub to discuss Cash and Voucher Assistance and Early Action. During the webinar, Kenya Red Cross presented on a recent drought response, and Bangladesh Red Crescent presented on a recent flood response.
Webinar 15 focused on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes. In particular, we will discuss the role of economic barriers in nutrition outcomes, a decision-making tool to help to identify where cash can improve nutrition outcomes, and an example from Burkina Faso.
Webinar 14 focused on monitoring in relation to Cash and Voucher Assistance with a focus on outcome indicators, expenditure monitoring, recent work on measuring well-being, as well as experiences of the Turkish Red Crescent in conducting remote focus group discussions (FGD) and lessons learnt from Zambia Red Cross.
Webinar 13 focused on how CVA can be used to support health outcomes by improving access to and utilisation of health care services in humanitarian contexts, with reference to examples from Greece and DR Congo.
Webinar 12 has been organised in collaboration with IFRC, Lebanese Red Cross, Myanmar Red Cross, Nepal Red Cross Society. Discussions focused on how Cash and Voucher Assistance has been used to achieve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) Objectives, with reference to examples from Myanmar, Nepal and Lebanon.
Webinar 11 was delivered in Spanish by the Cash Hub and the IFRC Regional Office. The webinar focused on the issue of the opportunity to use technological tools as a measure to protect sensitive data, focusing on the Movement’s experience with the implementation of the RC2 Relief / ODK X app.
Webinar 10 has been organised in collaboration with Lebanese Red Cross, Myanmar Red Cross and IFRC. After an initial update on the use CVA to respond to the explosion that took place in the port of Beirut, ways of integrating CVA in the COVID-19 response in Rakhine, and examples from the Community Resilience Programme (CRP) where shared.
Webinar 9 has been organised in collaboration with IFRC, ICRC, Senegalese Red Cross, Egyptian Red Crescent and Danish Red cross. Discussions focused on migration and to the use of cash and voucher assistance during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Webinar 8 has been organised in collaboration with IFRC Geneva, ICRC Geneva, ICRC Iraq, IFRC Bahamas, IFRC Regional Americas Office, and the Bahamas Red Cross, which focused on shelter and settlement programming with Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
Webinar 7 has been organised in collaboration with the IFRC, the Ecuadorian Red Cross and the Colombian Red Cross, paying specific attention to migration and adapting CVA programmes to COVID-19. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
- Download the Q&A document
- Download the slides used during the webinar
- Atención de Necesidades Básicas a través del Programa de Transferencias Monetarias Emergencia Sanitaria COVID 19 Perú
- Implementación de programas de Transferencias Monetarias con población Migrante en contexto COVID 19
- Innovación en tiempo de crisis: Programa de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM)
- América Flujos Migratorios
- Watch the recording
Webinar 6 took place on 15th July 2020 in collaboration with the British Red Cross, the Gambian Red Cross, the Ukrainian Red Cross, the Afghan Red Crescent and the Livelihoods Research Centre, which focused on how livelihoods and economic security are an essential aspect to adapting CVA programmes to COVID-19. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
Webinar 5 took place on 1st July 2020 in collaboration with the British Red Cross, the Kenyan Red Cross, the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and the ICRC, which focused on how to adapt Community Engagement and Accountability practices in the context of CVA and the COVID-19 outbreak. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
Webinar 4 took place on 17th June 2020 in collaboration with the IFRC, the Pakistan Red Crescent, the British Red Cross and the Netherlands Red Cross St Maarten, which focused on the use of data and digital technology in adapting CVA programmes to COVID-19. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
Webinar 3 took place on 3rd of June 2020 in collaboration with the British Red Cross, the Turkish Red Crescent, the Montserrat Red Cross, and the Baphalali Eswatini Red Cross, which focused on how social protection practices are being adapted within CVA programming in response to COVID-19. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
Webinar 2 took place on 20th May 2020 in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society and the Lebanese Red Cross, which focused how CVA programmes are adapting in response to COVID-19. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
Webinar 1 took place on 6th May 2020 in collaboration with the British Red Cross, the ICRC and the IFRC, which focused on how CVA programmes are adapting in response to COVID-19. To read the full list of speakers who contributed to this event click here.
In partnership with: