Search toolkit
*New* Leadership commitment
Vision and strategy
- M1_1_1c Hand out – Considerations for CVA visioning discussion
- M1_1_1d CVA Vision Statement
- M1_1_1a CVAP Induction and Visioning Workshop – ToR
- M1_1_1b CVAP Induction and Visioning Workshop – Facilitators' Guide
Organisational structure
CVA capacity assessment and gap analysis
- M1_1_3c (I) Internal Baseline presentation
- M1_1_3f External CVA baseline for CVA pre-crisis analysis – report template
- M1_1_3e External CVA baseline for pre-crisis analysis – Guidance
- M1_1_3d Internal Baseline for Organizational CVA Capacity – Report template
- M1_1_3c NS CVAP Self-Assessment Tool
- M1_1_3b CVAP Planning Workshop – Facilitators Guide
- M1_1_3a CVAP Planning Workshop – ToR
Operational plans and CVA
Leadership led advocacy
*new* Processes, systems and tools
Roles and responsibilities
- M_2_1e CVA SOP template
- M_2_1d CVA RACI
- M_2_1c CVA SOPs Workshop – Presentation
- M_2_1b CVA SOPs Workshop – Facilitators Guide
- M_2_1a CVA SOPs Workshop – ToR
Incorporating CVA in systems
Infrastructure, equipment and technology
*new* Financial and human resources and capacities
Funding availability, release and replenishment
CVA human resource capacity analysis
*new* CEA, coordination and partnership
Community Engagement and Accountability
Internal coordination
External partnerships
*New* Test, learn and improve
Testing CVA capacity
- M1_5_1d CVA Pilot Project – Key Decisions and Considerations
- M1_5_1c CVA pilot project – ToR
- M1_5_1b CVA Simulation Exercise – Facilitators Guide
- M1_5_1a CVA Simulation_Exercise – TOR
CVA knowledge management
- M1_5_2c Lessons Learned Workshop – Presentation
- M1_5_2b Lessons Learned Workshop facilitators guide
- M1_5_2a Lessons Learned Review – TOR
Reassessing CVA capacity
- M1_5_3g Final review report template
- M1_5_3f CVAP Final review facilitators guide
- M1_5_3e CVAP Final review TOR
- M1_5_3d CVAP Midterm review presentation
- M1_5_3c NS CVA Capacity Mid-term Review tool
- M1_5_3b CVAP Mid term review workshop facilitators guide
- M1_5_3a CVAP Mid Term review_TOR
Plan and prepare
Initial decision for cash
Choose assessment tools
Find relevant secondary data
Map stakeholders
- M2_1_4_4 4Ws matrix template
- M2_1_4_3 Humanitarian agencies interview checklist
- M2_1_4_2 Local authorities interview checklist
- M2_1_4_1 Key stakeholders matrix template
Get cash-specific information from community
Understand access to market and financial services
Identify and quantify priority needs
Consolidate community findings
Rapid market assessment
Collect market information
- M2_3_2_1 Discussion with market representatives template
- M2_3_2_4 Traders in voucher programmes checklist
- M2_3_2_3 Summary of findings per market place template
- M2_3_2_2 Discussion with traders template
Identify key commodities and markets
- M2_3_1_3 Information for market assessment
- M2_3_1_2 Key market template
- M2_3_1_1 Drawing market maps
Consolidate market findings
- M2_3_3_1 Conclusion tree to assess market response capacity
- M2_3_3_2 Market assessment report template
Service providers organizational capacity and risk analysis
Assess financial services
- M2_4_1_3 Mapping service providers template
- M2_4_1_2 Assess FSP capacity checklist
- M2_4_1_1 Assessing FS topics and sources template
Assess organizational capacity
Analyse risks
Response analysis
Feasibility modality and mechanism
Explore response options
Check if cash is feasible
Identify relevant comparison criteria
- M3_1_3_3 Advantages & disadvantages CTP mechanisms
- M3_1_3_2 Advantages and Disadvantages of response modalities
- M3_1_3_1 Comparing response modalities & mechanisms
Conduct thorough risk analysis
- M3_1_4_3 Risk register template
- M3_1_4_2 Risk matrix template
- M3_1_4_1 Roadmap for CTP risk analysis
Calculate cost-efficiency
Compare options & make a decision
Transfer value
Set the value
Adjust the value
Identify most affected areas
Identify targeting criteria and mechanisms
Set up and Implementation
Develop operation plan
- M4_1_1_4 Workplan template
- M4_1_1_3 Budget template
- M4_1_1_2 Logical framework template
- M4_1_1_1 Ops Plan template
Internal coordination
Coordination with other actors
- M4_1_3_3 4Ws matrix template
- M4_1_3_2 Responsibilities cash coordination groups
- M4_1_3_1 Key elements CTP coordination
Beneficiary communication and accountability
Develop a BCA plan
Build staff capacity BCA
Select communication channels & tools
Develop messages for target audience
- M4_2_4_4 RCRCM CTP FAQs
- M4_2_4_3 FAQs on CTP template
- M4_2_4_2 Beneficiary coms flyer template
- M4_2_4_1 BCA information checklist
Develop feedback and complaint mechanism
- M4_2_5_3 Feedback and complaint procedures
- M4_2_5_2 Feedback and complaint form template
- M4_2_5_1 Feedback and complaint key elements
Review & learn
Service provider
Research potential service providers
- M4_3_1_5 Assessing service providers checklist
- M4_3_1_4 Assessing mobile money template
- M4_3_1_3 E-transfer requirements checklist
- M4_3_1_2 Value card requirements checklist
- M4_3_1_1 Mobile money requirements checklist
Tendering process & service provider selection
Contract & define ways of work
Beneficiary data management & protection
Plan and prepare for registration
Identification & authentication
- M4_4_2_2a Beneficiary card template-front
- M4_4_2_2b Beneficiary card template-back
- M4_4_2_2 Beneficiary card mail merge instructions guide
- M4_4_2_1 Identification & authentication
Training & communication
- M4_5_1_4 Letter to merchant template
- M4_5_1_3 Service provider training template
- M4_5_1_2 Training questionnaire template
- M4_5_1_1 Staff training template
Planning & implementing distributions
- M4_5_2_7 Waybill
- M4_5_2_6 Logistics Requisition Form
- M4_5_2_5 Distribution report template
- M4_5_2_4 Distribution plan template
- M4_5_2_3 Distribution list template
- M4_5_2_2 Distribution site organisation
- M4_5_2_1 Distribution site assessment checklist
Encashment planning
- M4_5_3_3 Encashment plan template
- M4_5_3_2 Encashment time estimation template
- M4_5_3_1 Encashment agent capacity template
Encashment implementation
- M4_5_5_4 Proxy Letter
- M4_5_4_3 Encashment report template
- M4_5_4_2 Encashment sheet template
- M4_5_4_1 Payment order template
- M4_5_5_4 Third Party Reconciliation
- M4_5_5_7 Encashment Trackers
- M4_5_5_6 Inventory Reconciliation
- M4_5_5_5 Cash Reconciliation
- M4_5_5_3 NFI Reconciliation
- M4_5_5_2 Beneficiary Reconciliation
- M4_5_5_1 Reconciliation Roadmap
M&E planning
Develop M&E strategy
- M5_1_1_2 Key indicators checklist
- M5_1_1_6 Brief sampling guidance
- M5_1_1_5 Survey sample calculator template
- M5_1_1_4 M&E plan template for CashLevel2 (Nov292017)
- M5_1_1_4 M&E plan template
- M5_1_1_3 M&E workplan template
- M5_1_1_1 Logical framework template
Build staff capacity
- M5_1_2_4 Guide to HH & KI interviews
- M5_1_2_3 FGD guidance
- M5_1_2_2 M&E training facilitator notes template – Copy
- M5_1_2_1 CTP M&E training template
Programme monitoring
Encashment monitoring
- M5_2_2_3 Encashment exit survey database template
- M5_2_2_2 Encashment exit survey template
- M5_2_2_1 Encashment site observation template
Post-distribution monitoring
- M5_2_3_4 PDM conditional CTP survey template
- M5_2_3_3 PDM unconditional survey database template
- M5_2_3_2 PDM unconditional CTP survey template
- M5_2_3_1 PDM FGD questionnaire template
Market monitoring
Monitor traders
Monitor price data
- M5_3_2_6 Analysing price changes
- M5_3_2_5 Price database template
- M5_3_2_4 Organizing market price data checklist
- M5_3_2_3 Price collection form template
- M5_3_2_2 How to collect market price checklist
- M5_3_2_1 Secondary market price data checklist
Respond to price changes
CTP Evaluation
Set evaluation criteria & questions
- M5_4_1_2 Evaluating multiplier effects on markets
- M5_4_1_1 Key questions for evaluating CTP checklist
Prepare evaluation ToRs
Generate reports
- M5_4_3_4 ICRC case study template
- M5_4_3_3 IFRC factsheet template
- M5_4_3_2 IFRC case study template
- M5_4_3_1 Evaluation report template
Vouchers box
Voucher tools assessment
- 3. Traders experience, capacity
- 2. Voucher specific risks and mitigation
- 1. ACF selecting traders for vouchers
Voucher tools implementation
- 9. Voucher redemption template
- 8. Voucher distribution template
- 7. Voucher sensitization
- 6. Vendors selection criteria
- 5. Value card requirements checklist
- 4. Trader assessment form
- 3. Selection questionnaire
- 2. Contract template
- 1. Tips to design vouchers
Voucher tools monitoring
- 4. Voucher PDM traders
- 3. Voucher PDM households
- 2. Voucher fair exit traders
- 1. Voucher fair exit beneficiaries
Cash for work box
CFW response analysis
- 1_4 CFW targeting issues
- 1_3 CFW setting wages
- 1_2 CFW risks and mitigation
- 1 Roadmap
- 1_1 CFW advantages and disadvantages
CFW implementation
- 2_15 CFW encashment sheet template
- 2_16 CFW weekly payment summary template
- 2_14 CFW payment requisition template
- 2_13 CFW weekly attendance sheet template
- 2_12 CFW individual attendance sheet template
- 2_11 CFW tools receipt template
- 2_10 CFW tool tracking form template
- 2_09 CFW estimating tools cost template
- 2_08 CFW MoU Template
- 2_07 CFW assistance agreement template
- 2_06 Types of CFW projects
- 2_05 CFW planning checklist
- 2_04 CFW area supervisor JD template
- 2_03 CFW coordinator JD template
- 2_02 CFW supervisory structure template
- 2_01 CFW workplan template
- 2 Roadmap